Friday, November 26, 2010

                        Happy Thanksgiving
"Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? Who can declare all His praise?" Psalm 106:1-2

There are so many things to be Thankful for.  I am thankful to God for His salvation, for my dear husband and dog,  my family, my job, my home and my health. I am thankful for each and every morning I wake and see the sun. I am thankful that God never forsakes me and is always with me. How can one even attempt to put into words the thankfulness and gratitude I feel toward God the Father, from Whom ALL blessings flow?  Praise the Lord God!"

Each year Danika seems to get stuck making the salad. And each year there seems to be a funny mishap. This years salad was a strawberry, goat cheese and almond salad with a vinaigrette dressing. Danika decided to whisk the salad.....need I say more! she try's, we love her for it:)
         We were glad Jb and Ed could join us!! They are a blast...
    Having a good laugh at the ridiculous shake weight commercial!
Baking with the Mansfield's........
He got me first!
                             Decorating Gingerbread House's

Overall It was a beautiful evening. Delicious food and wonderful company. Thanks mom for hosting another great Thanksgiving!